Sunday, October 24, 2010



When I first saw this commercial I laughed my face off because it's so clever. The puppets are a strange way to go about selling the website however the overall conversation between the two puppets is hysterical. I think this commercial captures many people's attention because of the humor behind the subject.

The commercial is mainly communicating that the company has anything from cooking to working out. This can let the viewer believe that company can have many products that are polar opposite of each other. The commercial is also saying how workers at the company are always there to help the customer as best as they can, if this means exchanging products for something completely different. Since the workers are always on call and available, this can make customers feel secure that their questions and concerns can be answered.

The company is targeting mainly woman since most of the commercials that zappos does features woman shoppers. Especially since woman like to shop more than men, I think zappos choose the right direction to take because woman is a larger target group than men in the company. 

Too Extreme?

I believe this type of scare tatic ad is from over seas. It is very dramatic and targeting smokers across the world to quit smoking because of the harmful affects it could do it you. Since this ad is targeting smokers, all age groups (hopefully above the age of 18) are being targeted. This ad itself is original but the picture isn't because many smokers already know the danger in smoker and the consequences of continueing to smoke. I would never think that a cigartte company would put an extreme picture like this one on a carten for smokers to see. I think its crazy because it would draw away smokers instead of making them drawn towards smoking. I feel like smokers would get immuned to this ad after staring at it every time they go to get a cigarette.

I personally like the ad because I dislike smoking, however I don't think that this type of advertisment is efficient because people can get immune to the picture and/or people can choose to use a different type of brand.

A Twist on Pepsi

This pepsi ad is interesting because its kind of inappropriate but at the same time its hilarious. It adds a twist to just communicating that pepsi is now available with a hint of lime. It is a weird concept to have the lime peeing into the glass of soda but it's humorous which captures a lot of people's attention.

It would be assumed that this ad would be targeted towards men because of the lime peeing into the glass of pepsi, but i think this type of add can be targeted towards men and woman because everyone pees and both genders drink pepsi. However due to the humor in the ad, I believe more men would be attracted to the ad than woman cause woman may be turned off by the ad when men may laugh more and remember the new product from pepsi. 

People could be turned off by this ad because who wants anything to pee into their drink; yes lime does squeeze out lime juice but the ad could be interrupted that anything can go into the glass through urination.


I thought this was a clever ad for glass cleaner. It's hard to make out what specific cleaner it is, which makes it difficult for the viewer to identify the product when it comes to purchasing it. Communicating that when the product is used  on a glass surface, it will look like nothing is there. Like a fish tank, making a fish want to wear a helmet for protection incase it swims into the glass wall.

I don't believe that it will stay in people's minds when they are out buying cleaning product, but at the time it will make people laugh or smile at a cute ad thats why I choose to blog about it.

M&M keyboard

This is a creative advertisment to tell consumers that m&m's can have anything printed on it. Targeting anyone that loves to eat m&m's and want to have fun with them; this ad can communicate that m&m's arent just a candy but a creative way to send a message to people either at a celebration, an announcement, or just for fun. At the bottom of the ad it says "Communication just got sweeter"; meaning that a person can communicate basically anything on a piece of chocolate which a lot of people love to eat.

This ad can target anyone who wants to make what they eat a little more fun at a party or just in general.

I choose to do this ad because it is original and it expresses that anything can be written on an m&m however since its for m&m's and there is a commercial aired on television about this, many people may over pass this ad and not think twice about it. Also the ad is bland and nothing really pops out at the viewer, so I think that the company is losing a lot of customers or prospects.

Don't be Stupid

I believe I stumbled upon this ad from another country. I think these ads are hilarious and clever; its a smart way for the condom company to promote their product and to promote safe sex.

The ad is mainly promoting the option of safe sex; a person going into combat without wearing the proper equipment to be safe. Also since the ad is showing 3 other men with proper gear on, it shows that other people are wearing condoms to be safe and its not a joke like war isn't a joke.

I don't think the ad is doing a proper job of promoting a specific type of condom brand, like Trojan. I believe that the ad is promoting the aspect of safe sex to prevent pregnancy and STDs. Viewers would remember this ad as a way to purchase condoms because not using a condom is like going into war wearing nothing.

This ad is targeting men or sexuality active couples. Mostly men buy the condoms so I would believe that men would be more likely to look at this ad and remember it.

This advertisment is original, I don't think in America we would see anything like this. Maybe this is why teen pregnancy is so high unlike in other countriessimilar to the U.S.

Mix it up.

DJ hero commercial

I love this commercial. Its so creative about mixing different characteristics of people with others like DJs mix songs together. Communicating that anything can be mixed together and have a fun time at a party while doing it. The party is a typical party that one would image and everyone is having an awesome time; creating an atmoshpere that a consumer would wish to have once they play the game. Also there is a sexual aspect to the commercial, which appeals to a younger croud who love to go to parties and dance and hook up with others. The commercial targets people who play the game, based on the commercial, probably a younger croud that love to party and listen to music. I've never seen a commercial that's this sexual while promoting a game, when I first saw it I was surprised by the feel of the commercial which I think drew me into the commercial more because I wanted to see the commercial the entire way through. Not all game commercials are like this one which shows the originality put into it.

Overall I love the commercial, I think its fun, energetic, and its original.


snickers commercial

Lately Betty White has been everywhere, on SNL, in many movies, in a new television show, so naturally she would be featured in a commercial. Snickers was able to feature Betty White in a hilarious skit where she plays football.

The message behind eating a snickers is easy to follow, if you are hungry and acting sluggish/not playing good football; eat a snickers and you will be right back to new again after one bite. I think the use of football and a younger croud that makes the target audience towards a yoounger group, however the target could also be towards an older croud because Betty White is featured.

It was smart of the company to use Betty White in their commercial to sell their product becuase she is so popular and can draw attention to the product if she is part of it. Drawing attention to the product by adding a famous star, is a very smart move and allows a viewer to connect to the product more.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Clever Bench

I saw this picture and thought it was very creative and makes me want to research more into Denver's water problems. I believe Denver did a fun, creative way to get a message across to the community about conserving water in the city.

This bench will really make people stop and think as to way 2/3rds of the bench is missing and how this affects their need to sit down; like the need to use water and how it can affect other matters in one's life.  This type of environmental advertising targets anyone that passes by the bench; but mainly older adults who are affected by the lack of water in Denver.

I believe that this message will get across to people because it will make them stop, think. Usually when an advertisment makes a person stop and think about it, it will stay in their memory for awhile.


snuggie commercial

I've seen this commercial multiple times now and every time the commercial airs, my friends and I make fun of how rediculous the people on the comercial either look or act. Even though the people on the commercial aren't the best actors and are trying to sell a product that is basically a backwards robe; people remember the commercial and are buying snuggies in all different prints.

The commercial does touch base on all age groups making it known that any person, at any age can use a snuggie. The latest commercials make it known that snuggies come in many prints: from animal to college to different colors. People could be attractive to the products because of the assortment of prints and colors that a snuggie comes in; or the commercials are hilarious and stick in people's memories. I think different age groups want a snuggie for different reasons: a younger age group may want a snuggie because their friends have it or because the commercials are hilarious and kids want to act like the actors in the commercial. An older age group may get a snuggie to give as a gift. Either reason why a person purchases the product, the commercial must stick in their memory.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

TOMS shoes


TOM shoes pride themselves on the message behind each sale of a pair of each. When a pair of shoes is sold, one pair of shoes are given to a child in need.

The commercials TOM produces are very straight forward and send the message of being a good person by buying one pair of shoes. In the commercial I especially like how there is no talking, there is music and writing...some of the writing is hard to see though. The commercial looks like it was done on a low budget, which makes sense since TOM shoes just came out. The low budget commercial can also shoe the viewer that the company doesnt pride themselves on the amount of money they make or use in advertising; most of theur efforts go to children in need in other countries.

When these shoes first came out I thought they were the ugliest things I have ever seen. The only thing that appealed me to these shoes was the message behind the sale of each shoe.

I think that the commercial got the word out about the shoes in the beginning but now TOMS has to do little advertsing because of word of mouth. Ive only seen this commercial a couple times but ive seen people all over campus wearing these shoes. I bought a pair this year.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Texting: the new Craze

Commercial 1
Commercial 2
I love these commercials. The commercials really portray how texting effects our society and the younger generations. Texting has become a popular craze now a days and more people are texting instead of calling and talking on the phone. To me this commercial is speaking the truth and is so out there that the company really pulls away from the average cell phone commercial to grab the attention of their target audience. All the Virgin Mobile commercials are somewhat similar but have different aspects each commercial; this is why I added two commercials to show the difference and similarities between them.  The broad range of people in the commercials shows the range of users that use the Virgin Mobile products; mainly cell phones.

The commercial was able to grab my attention due to the craziness and constant changing of scenery. The commercial really stands out from all the other commercials and makes it easy to remember the commercial but not so much the brand; when I was looking for the commercial I completely forgot what brand was being advertised. Just because I like the commercials doesn't mean they are doing a very good job at selling their product or making the brand name stick into people's minds. The commercials really focus on the act of texting itself to sell the product but I don't believe they verbally say Virgin Mobile enough to make people remember what the commercial is about.

Even though I love the commercials because I think they are hilarious I don't believe the commercial is good because the viewers are so caught up in the action of texting and partying that the brand gets lost and the viewer has a hard time remembering what brand was being sold, like I did.

Just Do It

Finally a company that is embracing the curves a woman has. I hate when I see a company that specializes in work out clothes and exercise but not every woman is designed to look like the models in those campaigns.  Many people don't realize that when you work out yes you will get smaller but your muscles will grow and get bigger and stronger, like your butt and thighs. I myself am muscular and have big thighs from playing sports and working out but that doesn't make me fat or anything less than the models in the advertisments.

I am very happy with Nike with campaigning this because I believe companies need to start using models that look like the average woman and not some person who people may strive to look like but will never get there because their body is not designed to look like that. Woman should be proud of their strength and muscles, like the Venus sisters who still manage to look femine.

This ad is simple but gets to the point and I think it stands out from all the other advertisments with out drawing too much attention to the company. I think Nike did an excellent job keeping this advertisment fresh and new but still using the same slogan "Just Do It" as all their other ads have.

Well done Nike, well done.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

How far is too far?

One late night I was up watching television and this commercial came on. After watching it I was surprised about how obvious Axe was directing this commercial to cleaning guy's balls. Yes its late night television so commercials like these are shown but for Axe I think this was a little much. The commercial is very straight forward but at the same time its hilarious.

The commercial not only gets the attention from guys because of the humor but it also gets the attention from girls because they are talking about men's balls. The attention from the guys is also attached to the two women hosts that are discribing how to clean balls and how amazing they feel after they have been washed.

I think Axe is pushing their limits to see how sexual they can get towards the younger horny crowd. I was surprised when I first saw this commercial a couple nights ago but after thinking about it the commecial really stuck with me and did send a strong message about having clean hygiene which equals getting hot girls to rub your "balls".

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Truth or Zombies?

If you watch MTV then you know what I'm talking about when I talk about the "truth" ads. In recent history the advertisements have done a good job with the "scare" factor of the commercials. Talking about the chemicals cigarettes contain and the lost of love ones cigarettes caused. Thats why I was very surprised when I was watching television and saw a commercial based on the "Real World" in Zombieland and having the commercial end with talking about tobacco. I don't believe that being eaten by zombies is comparable to smoking tobacco and having serious bodily disfunctions or even death.

Firstly zombies aren't even real. Secondly zombies are not all the rage today in our media; vampires are. Thirdly while watching this commercial my friends and I had no idea where this commercial was going and we were all left confused and laughing. The laughter came from the ridiculousness of comparig smoking to zombies.

Whatever effect the advertisers were going for was completely lost but it did give us a good laugh for the night.