Sunday, October 24, 2010

Too Extreme?

I believe this type of scare tatic ad is from over seas. It is very dramatic and targeting smokers across the world to quit smoking because of the harmful affects it could do it you. Since this ad is targeting smokers, all age groups (hopefully above the age of 18) are being targeted. This ad itself is original but the picture isn't because many smokers already know the danger in smoker and the consequences of continueing to smoke. I would never think that a cigartte company would put an extreme picture like this one on a carten for smokers to see. I think its crazy because it would draw away smokers instead of making them drawn towards smoking. I feel like smokers would get immuned to this ad after staring at it every time they go to get a cigarette.

I personally like the ad because I dislike smoking, however I don't think that this type of advertisment is efficient because people can get immune to the picture and/or people can choose to use a different type of brand.

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