Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Truth or Zombies?

If you watch MTV then you know what I'm talking about when I talk about the "truth" ads. In recent history the advertisements have done a good job with the "scare" factor of the commercials. Talking about the chemicals cigarettes contain and the lost of love ones cigarettes caused. Thats why I was very surprised when I was watching television and saw a commercial based on the "Real World" in Zombieland and having the commercial end with talking about tobacco. I don't believe that being eaten by zombies is comparable to smoking tobacco and having serious bodily disfunctions or even death.

Firstly zombies aren't even real. Secondly zombies are not all the rage today in our media; vampires are. Thirdly while watching this commercial my friends and I had no idea where this commercial was going and we were all left confused and laughing. The laughter came from the ridiculousness of comparig smoking to zombies.

Whatever effect the advertisers were going for was completely lost but it did give us a good laugh for the night.

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