Sunday, October 3, 2010

Texting: the new Craze

Commercial 1
Commercial 2
I love these commercials. The commercials really portray how texting effects our society and the younger generations. Texting has become a popular craze now a days and more people are texting instead of calling and talking on the phone. To me this commercial is speaking the truth and is so out there that the company really pulls away from the average cell phone commercial to grab the attention of their target audience. All the Virgin Mobile commercials are somewhat similar but have different aspects each commercial; this is why I added two commercials to show the difference and similarities between them.  The broad range of people in the commercials shows the range of users that use the Virgin Mobile products; mainly cell phones.

The commercial was able to grab my attention due to the craziness and constant changing of scenery. The commercial really stands out from all the other commercials and makes it easy to remember the commercial but not so much the brand; when I was looking for the commercial I completely forgot what brand was being advertised. Just because I like the commercials doesn't mean they are doing a very good job at selling their product or making the brand name stick into people's minds. The commercials really focus on the act of texting itself to sell the product but I don't believe they verbally say Virgin Mobile enough to make people remember what the commercial is about.

Even though I love the commercials because I think they are hilarious I don't believe the commercial is good because the viewers are so caught up in the action of texting and partying that the brand gets lost and the viewer has a hard time remembering what brand was being sold, like I did.

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