Sunday, October 24, 2010

Mix it up.

DJ hero commercial

I love this commercial. Its so creative about mixing different characteristics of people with others like DJs mix songs together. Communicating that anything can be mixed together and have a fun time at a party while doing it. The party is a typical party that one would image and everyone is having an awesome time; creating an atmoshpere that a consumer would wish to have once they play the game. Also there is a sexual aspect to the commercial, which appeals to a younger croud who love to go to parties and dance and hook up with others. The commercial targets people who play the game, based on the commercial, probably a younger croud that love to party and listen to music. I've never seen a commercial that's this sexual while promoting a game, when I first saw it I was surprised by the feel of the commercial which I think drew me into the commercial more because I wanted to see the commercial the entire way through. Not all game commercials are like this one which shows the originality put into it.

Overall I love the commercial, I think its fun, energetic, and its original.

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