Sunday, September 12, 2010

How far is too far?

One late night I was up watching television and this commercial came on. After watching it I was surprised about how obvious Axe was directing this commercial to cleaning guy's balls. Yes its late night television so commercials like these are shown but for Axe I think this was a little much. The commercial is very straight forward but at the same time its hilarious.

The commercial not only gets the attention from guys because of the humor but it also gets the attention from girls because they are talking about men's balls. The attention from the guys is also attached to the two women hosts that are discribing how to clean balls and how amazing they feel after they have been washed.

I think Axe is pushing their limits to see how sexual they can get towards the younger horny crowd. I was surprised when I first saw this commercial a couple nights ago but after thinking about it the commecial really stuck with me and did send a strong message about having clean hygiene which equals getting hot girls to rub your "balls".

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